Hi, Org people. Still experimenting around for this report, I installed *minted* so one of the appendices might nicely display a bulky bit of Python code.
It works satisfactorily (and speedily enough) if I squash out all diacriticized and other Unicode special symbols in the file. However, no output is produced if I leave the tiniest non-ASCII character in the file. OK, OK, don't kill me :-). Agreed that all non-ASCII characters are neither tinier or bigger than one another in this context. The Org document, the Python sources, and the default charset for this machine are all UTF-8. I saw no Unicode problem between Unicode and LaTeX when minted is not in the picture. pygmentize also appears to do well with Unicode input. So the problem likely lies either between Org mode and minted LaTex, or within minted. Is that a known problem or limitation? This problem is bit more hurtful here, as the Python code really uses Unicode, and mangling out Unicode characters really changes the semantic of the code as displayed in the report. If it was not for this problem, the minted output is attractive, at least more than what I saw with the listings package. On last resort and of course, I may still include an unfontified Python source in the appendix, or produce it by other means; not such a big deal, it's just that I would have liked to impress my coworkers a bit more with Org mode integration and capabilities. :-). To confuse me a little more, I'm getting random (I mean, unpredictable by me) "org-mode fontification error" diagnostics while creating the PDF output. Perusing org.el tells me that this is likely a mere coincidence, as those fontification errors seem wholly unrelated to LaTeX processing. François P.S. Who is a bit tired right now, and maybe missing something trivial? Tomorrow, I'll surely revisit most of today's experiments.