> I recognized your name, Stephen, as the long-time maintainer of the "Emacs
> Lisp List"--thanks for that too.  
> Are you envisioning a repository beyond "Emacs Lisp List" for OrgMode
> implementations and/or Babel examples.

I am interested in maintaining a collection of nice org-babel-R
examples, given my interest in R and Emacs; I made a small start last
year for my tutorial notes on ESS for the useR meeting, but I'd like to
update that.  The key problem I found with learning org-babel was worked
examples, given that the syntax was changing rapidly.  I hope that has
now stabilised, and I should followup with Eric about this.

(I also hope to kill off the Emacs Lisp List once the ELPA has taken

> Also, I very much agree that a "near exact replica" of the http://
> rsquared.stat.uni-muenchen.de/index.rhtml for OrgMode would be great.
Yes!  Any takers?!?

> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/roxygen/index.html

Note that ESS has limited support for editing roxygen tags.


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