Nick Dokos <> writes:

> You are quoting the entry but including a , before the concat. That
> indicates that instead of the quote ', you need to use a backquote ` to
> allow the comma to evaluate the (concat ...)  expression at definition
> time.
> I checked the webpage you refer to and there is a backquote there, so I
> can only surmise that you changed it by mistake recently.

Thanks Nick.

You're probably right that I changed it some time ago and thought it was
working, but it wasn't.

Glad to have it working again.


      /   ________ -[]--. \ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_ A |\| |}  @   
     / ,-'         `-.   \ \ Send me long text -  
    / (       o       )  _) \ 
   /   `-._________,-'_ /_/-.\ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_  @  Jabber 
  /  __ _            " " "    \ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_  .  netlsd dot com  Check 
out my PGP key 

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