Hi Juan,

Juan Queipo de Llano Moya <jque...@ietcc.csic.es> writes:

> If I define a custom agenda command like (without using the command):
> ("q" "Tasks by member" ((tags-todo "+Resp=\"Me\"") (tags-todo "+Resp=
> \"Pablo\"") (tags-todo "+Resp=\"Miguel\"") (tags-todo "+Resp=\"Carlos
> \"")))
> It works, but if use this agenda command:
> ("q" "Tasks by member" (org-sec-tasksbymember))
> I got an error of Wrong type argument: listp, org-sec-tasksbymember

You want

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
     "Tasks by member" 

Look for Macro expansion in the Emacs (lisp) manual.



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