Hi everyone,

I have been working on a patch for
improves the displaying of the generated
agendas.org file. The problem I'm having is that TITLE: fields of all
entries are generated by concatenating the name and the matching criterion
of an entry. The issue is discussed in further details

I have tried to create a patch that removes the match criterions from the
generated title entry and attached it below. This could potentially break
other org-mobile clients and might not be the best way to solve this.

What would it take to include this in orgmode?

best regards,
Henning Weiss

diff --git a/lisp/org-mobile.el b/lisp/org-mobile.el
index 541ccc8..82320c7 100644
--- a/lisp/org-mobile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-mobile.el
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ The table of checksums is written to the file
  (cons (list 'org-agenda-title-append
     (concat "<after>KEYS=" gkey "#" (number-to-string
       (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))
-    " TITLE: " gdesc " " match "</after>"))
+    " TITLE: " gdesc "</after>"))
   (push (list type match settings) new)))))
     (and new (list "X" "SUMO" (reverse new)

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