On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 15:43:58 +0000
Angel de Vicente <ang...@iac.es> wrote:

> Hi,
> Karl <ignora...@gmx.de> writes:
> > Does anybody use Org in a non-graphical environment? 
> > Is it possible to make the (all) keys work?
> I use it inside GNUscreen running in a gnome-terminal. I have also tried
> (for a limited time) to make all the keys work but to no avail. If you
> find more information on a possible solution for this, I think many
> would be interested.

I've just set up my Android tablet to play nicely with screen and emacs-nox.
All that under openSuse, but that shouldn't matter too much. 

My notes taken yesterday:
***** Working remotely with emacs and org-mode
      My calendar exists as a screen session running  emacs-nox running
      org-mode running in a virtual machine in our data center.

      First I need a tunnel into the university's network. This can
      very nicely be solved with sshtunnel from the market.
      Second I need a terminal connection. Connectbot is _the_ tool.

      Third I need to input a lot of Ctrl, ESC, Alt keys. Hacker's
      Keyboard to the rescue!

      On the unix machine I have to set TERM=xterm explicitly to let
      the arrow keys come through screen. Key was to start emacs as
      TERM=xterm emacs-nox todo.org inside my screen session.
      The last thing giving some problems were the S-arrow combinations 
      so useful for editing dates in orgmode when accessing remotely.

      Some keybindings for emacs will help.
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f2>") 'org-shiftup)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f10>") 'org-shiftdown)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'org-shiftleft)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f7>") 'org-shiftright)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f1>") 'org-agenda-do-earlier)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<f3>") 'org-agenda-do-later)

      (Hacker's Keyboard has an 4x4 Fn-Key layout. Just take a look, then 
      understand why this scheme was chosen. )

      Btw. in portait mode Hacker's Keyboard on 35% gives 41 lines for
      the terminal. (note to self)

This setup at least works good enough for me. Org-mode, the real thing, 
everywhere at my fingertipps. 


> Cheers,
> -- 
> Ángel de Vicente
> http://angel-de-vicente.blogspot.com/

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