Venkatesh Choppella <venkatesh.choppella <at>> writes:

> Dear Org-mode users:
> I am using  org-mode this semester  to host my course notes.   For me
> org-mode was a god-send, since I had been struggling to organize
> course notes in plain html  before that.
> I am interested to  hear from others who have used org-mode as part of
> their teaching activities.
> Sincerely,

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I recently discovered orgmode, and I'm currently using it :
 - for presentations with export-as-s5 from
 - to check various points for students works (cloning trees of checkboxes)

I put some files on github:

I'd like to use it for project planning with taskjuggler, but I'm currently
unable to do it (with taskjuggler v 3.1.0) (tried to no avail, has DONE for "TaskJuggler 3,
revisited" but I could not figure why).

Best Regards,


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