Just tried a similar thing on my computer at work: WinXP, emacs-22.3.1,
org-mode 7.7.  I tried both R and python.  With this in my .emacs file:

;; active Babel languages
 '((R . t)
   (python . t)

Here are the contents of the org file I am playing with:

#+begin_src R

#+begin_src python
print "Hello, World!"

C-c C-c the first block results in a message like this:

Evaluate this R code block on your system? (yes or no)

Answering yes yields:

No org-babel-execute function for R!

Trying the same in the python block yields the same results, except with
"python" substituted for "R" in all the messages.

Any suggestions where I am going wrong?


--Chris Ryan

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