Christophe Pouzat <> writes:

> Hi all,
> Using the last org-mode version from the git repository (7.8.03) I've found a
> mismatch between the key-chord required to call function
> =org-babel-expand-src-block= (=C-c C-v v=) and the ones given in the
> info file: =C-c C-v p= or =C-c C-v C-p=. The same goes for the
> [[][Babel:
> Introduction]] where the given key-chord is =C-c M-b p=. 
> In the same line, I have a question concerning the inclusion of the
> /expanded/ source block in the generated output. Let's assume that I
> define in my file a variable containing a file name like:
> #+name: my-file-name
> : dataFile.mat
> I want then a code block (using =R= in that case) that checks if
> "dataFile.mat" is in the working directory with something like:
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :var fileName=my-file-name :exports both
>   fileName %in% list.files(pattern="*.mat")
> I'm passing the file name as a variable because I want to repeat the same
> analysis on different data files. But I would like to see in the HTML output
> the value of the above variable =fileName=. I would like essentially  to
> export the expanded source block. Is there a way to do that?
> Thanks,
> Christophe

Hi Christophe,

Thanks for reporting the documentation issue, I've just pushed up a
patch which updates the documentation appropriately.

I do not believe there is a way to export an expanded code blocks, and I
fear you may not want to see the variable assignment code in your
export.  You can however use noweb references to achieve the behavior
you are after with the following.

#+name: my-file-name
: dataFile.mat

#+BEGIN_SRC R :exports both :noweb yes
  <<my-file-name()>> %in% list.files(pattern="*.mat")


Eric Schulte

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