Ok, so what I did was define a face:

   (org-copy-face 'modeline 'lbm-org-mode-pack-keyword
      "Face used to show items ready to pack, but not yet to ship"
      :background "#cccccc")

add it to the org-todo-keyword-faces

    (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
          (quote ( ("PACK"  . lbm-org-mode-pack-keyword))))

Then put a

.lbm-org-mode-pack-keyword {

        color: puce;


in the .css and that did it.

This might be something useful for the manual.


On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, lbml...@hethcote.com wrote:


I use a number of To Do states. When I export my agenda views to html, the various To Do's get dropped into spans that are not consistent. For example, in one view:

<span class="ATTRLIST-1">TODO</span><span class="org-warning"> ...
<span class="ATTRLIST">DESIGN</span><span class="org-warning"> ...

In another:

<span class="ATTRLIST">TODO</span><span class="org-warning"> ...
<span class="ATTRLIST-1">PENDING</span><span class="org-warning"> ...
<span class="ATTRLIST-2">DESIGN</span><span class="org-warning"> ...

What I would like to do is somehow be able to better control the span names so that it reads more like:

<span class="myorg-todo">TODO</span><span class="org-warning"> ...
<span class="myorg-pending">PENDING</span><span class="org-warning"> ...
<span class="myorg-design">DESIGN</span><span class="org-warning"> ...

Failing that it would work if ATTRLIST always mapped to TODO, ATTRLIST-1 always mapped to DESIGN, and so on.

Is this an exist capabilty that I failed to R in TFM?

Thank you for any help you can offer,


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