On Wed, Feb 08 2012, François Pinard wrote:

> I notice in org.el that [X] is hard-wired, while I would have liked the
> possibility of changing it by [✓] in my things, which I find both softer
> and cleaner.  Could these ([ ], [-] and [X]) be turned into variables?
> The difficulty might be to recognize them properly, I guess.
> While it would be nice that I could change it, it might also have a
> negative effect, making Org files less interoperable between people.  On
> the other hand, the TODO keywords are already changeable, so there is a
> kind of precedent :-).

You probably could use display strings so the file on disk won't
change at all.

(info "(elisp)Display Property")
(info "(elisp)Replacing Specs")

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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