Hi All,

I usually give presentations that are graphically heavy and typically have 3 or 4 movies in them. Powerpoint/impress is too much of a hassle esp. with movies and latex/beamer is nice, but the movie package stopped working for me.

So I hacked together a javascript and a css that transforms the default html export of my org file to a slide show:

Here's the org-file:

Here's the rest:
(depends on jQuery)

It's iPad-ready (touch events ans such) and will present itself full-screen when added to the homescreen.

On non-touchscreen devices navigation is keyboard-oriented:
forward: k-key, right-arrow, up-arrow, page-up
backwards: J-key, left-arrow, down-arrow, page-down
First slide: home, A-key
Last slide: end, E-key

Also, images are auto-sized. When an image needs to share the screen with more images or accompanynig text (apart from the header) the screen real-estate is divided up between them.

All in all it works, but it is hacky.
No support for deeper trees (yet), no mouse nav and I'm personally not fond of how the images are handled.

Let me know what you think, I will keep you updated of the progress.

Kind Regards,

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