Nick Dokos <> writes:

> [AAARGH - third attempt - not having much luck]

This was the right one!



>> >>    :include ""
>> >> 
>> >> mapc: Wrong type argument: sequencep, 98
>> >> 
>> >> What's wrong?
>> >> 
>> >
>> > M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET and then try to publish. You should
>> > get a backtrace: post the full backtrace to this list.
>> I did not remember how to have the debug, thanks!
>> This is the Backtrace:
> :include takes a list of files as argument. The mapc iterates over
> the list. Here it iterates over the string and chokes on the first
> letter (b = 98 in ascii)
> Try
> :include ("")

Now the error disapperead but now it exports every file of the directory
defined in the :base-directory variable.

> PS If this doesn't go through unscathed, I'll give up and go take a
> nap.

No no, please: this was the right answer!


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