
 I got the correct way to do it:

#+begin_src R :results output latex :exports results
  xtable(foo, caption = "ANOVA Table", label = "tab:one",
      digits = c(0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3))

Does it solve your problem?


Riccardo Romoli <> writes:

> If I set :export latex when I exports to LaTeX I have only the R code, not the
> table.
> Best
> 2012/2/14 Christophe Pouzat <>
>     Riccardo Romoli <> writes:
>     > Hi, I work with org-babel and R.
>     > In the R session I create a table that I have to export to LaTeX.
>     > This is the code I use:
>     >
>     > #+headers: :results latex
>     > #+begin_src R :session *R* :exports results
>     > .....
>     >   print(xtable(summary(mypca)))
>     > #+end_src
>     >
>     > I do not understand why the exported table is delimited by "|":
>     >
>     > |% latex table generated in R 2.14.1 by xtable 1.6-0 package |
>     > | % Tue Feb 14 16:21:48 2012 |
>     > | \begin{table}[ht] |
>     >   | \begin{center} |
>     >     | \begin{tabular}{rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr} |
>     >       | \hline |
>     >       | & PC1 & PC2 & PC3 & PC4 & PC5 & PC6 & PC7 & PC8 & PC9 & PC10 &
>     >       PC11 & PC12 & PC13 & PC14 & PC15 & PC16 \\ |
>     >       | \hline |
>     >       | Standard deviation & 3.4693 & 2.8113 & 2.5561 & 2.2668 &
>     >       2.0015 & 1.9236 & 1.7287 & 1.6220 & 1.4288 & 1.3456 & 1.2596 &
>     >       1.2195 & 1.1278 & 1.0778 & 0.8390 & 0.0000 \\ |
>     >       | Proportion of Variance & 0.2188 & 0.1437 & 0.1188 & 0.0934 &
>     >       0.0728 & 0.0673 & 0.0543 & 0.0478 & 0.0371 & 0.0329 & 0.0289 &
>     >       0.0270 & 0.0231 & 0.0211 & 0.0128 & 0.0000 \\ |
>     >       | Cumulative Proportion & 0.2188 & 0.3625 & 0.4813 & 0.5747 &
>     >       0.6476 & 0.7149 & 0.7692 & 0.8170 & 0.8541 & 0.8871 & 0.9159 &
>     >       0.9429 & 0.9661 & 0.9872 & 1.0000 & 1.0000 \\ |
>     >       | \hline |
>     >       | \end{tabular} |
>     >     | \end{center} |
>     >   | \end{table} |
>     > | |
>     >
>     > Should I change some headers settings??
>     >
>     > Best
>     >
>     Hi Riccardo,
>     Try ":exports latex" instead of ":exports results"
>     Christophe
>     --
>     Most people are not natural-born statisticians. Left to our own
>     devices we are not very good at picking out patterns from a sea of
>     noisy data. To put it another way, we are all too good at picking out
>     non-existent patterns that happen to suit our purposes.
>     Bradley Efron & Robert Tibshirani (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap
>     --
>     Christophe Pouzat
>     MAP5 - Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5
>     CNRS UMR 8145
>     45, rue des Saints-Pères
>     75006 PARIS
>     France
>     tel: +33142863828
>     mobile: +33662941034
>     web:


Most people are not natural-born statisticians. Left to our own
devices we are not very good at picking out patterns from a sea of
noisy data. To put it another way, we are all too good at picking out
non-existent patterns that happen to suit our purposes.
Bradley Efron & Robert Tibshirani (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap


Christophe Pouzat
MAP5 - Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5
45, rue des Saints-Pères
75006 PARIS

tel: +33142863828
mobile: +33662941034

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