
I'm have an org-mode document something like this:

* Period 2012-02-06 to 2012-02-12
** Asset
    | Data        | Data | Data | Data |
    |      XXXXXX |    1 |    1 |    0 |
    |      YYYYYY |    5 |    4 |    0 |

(There are more "Assets", each with several DEPARTMENTS. The tables are short, 
perhaps 10-15 rows.)

When I go to export a PDF, I will often get "DEPARTMENT" at the bottom of one 
page, with the actual data table at the start of the next. Is there any way to 
keep the heading together with the table?

I tried using the longtable environment, but that just splits the table itself, 
so that I might have the heading at the bottom of the page with one row of the 
table and a continued message. I also tried the LaTeX directives \goodbreak 
before the headings and \nobreak between the headings and tables but they 
didn't seem to affect anything.

Thanks very much!

Jos'h Fuller, Production Programmer

Arc Productions Ltd.     

p: 416.682.5237          | f: 416.682.5209     | http://www.arcproductions.com 
230 Richmond Street East | Toronto, ON M5A 1P4 |

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