Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos wrote:
> Sebastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> wrote:
>> Things that can easily make LaTeX become crazy is changing the color of the
>> titles. In such a case, LaTeX will allow much more easily to break after the
>> title, even if at bottom of page, as changing color somehow affects penalty.
> Never heard of that one (but I haven't been on comp.text.tex for many
> years now): do you have a reference to the problem somewhere?

You've made me work like our Thomas: I've made some archeology to find back
the answer given by Ulrike Fischer (on 09/22... 2008, 14:57) to one of my
questions (on FCTT, the French Tex related newsgroup):

    Le saut de page vient probablement de \color qui insere un breakpoint.

    Tu peux essayer \color{blue}\nobreak.


    The page break probably comes from \color which inserts a breakpoint.

    You can try \color{blue}\nobreak.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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