Johnny <> writes:

> Hi,
> I am trying out the excellent freemind exporter/importer and am running
> into issues with long node names and newlines. 
> 1) Exporting org to freemind (node name length limitation?)
> In org-mode, none of the headlines can contain newlines, so occasionaly
> they get a bit long. This is not a (big) issue in org, but when exorting to
> freemind, I would like to limit the names to a maximum length, as the
> mindmap display in freemind need reasonably short node names to give a
> clear overview. It would be great to be able to do this with the
> exporter by setting a variable / giving a prefix number.
> 2) Importing freemind to org (remove newlines?)
> For now, I have manually split some lines in freemind to get a good
> mindmap, but then the issue is that when re-importing to org, the
> headlines are including the newline, hence the org-mode headings are
> broken. This may be easily done by replacing all newlines in the node
> name when importing, but being Lisp challenged I cannot find where in
> org-freemind.el this replacement should be done.
> 3) Importing freemind to org (centered nodes)
> I noticed also that nodes in freemind that were centered broke the org
> import fairly bad by splitting the node name over several lines with
> blank lines in between. And none of the textual lines were actually
> displayed as a headline. I don't really have an issue with this, as I
> can do without changing from the default alignment in freeming, but
> thought I'd include it in this writeup.
> If anyone has an idea of how to solve this or could point me in the
> right direction that would be great!

Of course, right after posting I found the setting in freemind to limit
node length [1]. The solution for now is to avoid using newlines altogether in 
node names. This means all node levels will have the same length, but
this is ok for me. 

Sorry for the noise!

[1] Under 'Tools -> Preferences' under the tab 'Defaults' there's a 'Max
    Node Width' that can be set.


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