I've done a fair amount of reading (and-rereading) the manual, and searching around, but my search skills are failing me and org-mode is flexible enough that I figure that someone has either done this, or there's something that makes it unnecessary that I don't know of.
I'd like to be able to write a definition of a term, and then be able to jump to that definition, or see that definition in some way in buffers where the term occurs. Preferably on a "file can specify a file with term definitions" or a global scale, but even per-file period would be awesome. I imagine something like a block. In pseudo-org-code: #+begin_definition :term elegant pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; pleasingly ingenious and simple. #+end_definition If there's a way for me to acheive the goal of "find the definition for this term" in a "this is already idiomatic-org" type of way, I'd love to hear it. If anyone has done something similar, I'd love to hear about it. If not, I'd love to implement it, and would be immensely grateful for any high-level pointers to entry-points for implementation, whether functions or code files or whatnot. Thanks for your time, and for all the collective effort put into this amazingly useful peice of software.