
> If I have something like:
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>         '(("Q"  "Q-Who" todo "IMPLEMENT" ((org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels t)))
> ))
> in my .emacs
> and I have
> *** IMPLEMENT explore slash type [1/3]
>  - [X] Explore checkbox list
>  - [ ] Look at the export
>  - [ ] And so on
> *** IMPLEMENT explore percent type [33%]
> **** IMPLEMENT the exploration
> **** FINISHED an early step
> **** PLAN a third subtask
> does (org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels t) mean I should see the subtasks
> in the custom view? This doesn't seem to work for me.
> I get
>  Coding:     IMPLEMENT explore slash type [1/3]
>  Coding:     IMPLEMENT  explore percent type [33%]
>  Coding:     IMPLEMENT the exploration
> alternatively,
> how should I set up my custom view to see the subtasks?

Hi Louis,

I think we need more information.  In a todo agenda view you should see
the tasks and any subtasks that are not in a done state.
Your view already shows 

>  Coding:     IMPLEMENT  explore percent type [33%]
>  Coding:     IMPLEMENT the exploration

which is the task and one of the subtasks.  If FINISHED is a done state
you won't get that in the view.  I think PLAN should also be listed (if
it is a todo state and not a done state)

How are your todo keywords defined?


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