> Hello,
> Does anyone know if I can export inline tasks to latex using --batch
> from bash?  When passed as the --funcall option, org-export-as-ascii
> will export inline tasks but org-export-as-latex-batch won't.  Setting
> file level options don't appear to help.

Does your command line contain (require 'org-inlinetask)?

> A minimal example follows.
> Emacs 23.4.1
> org release_7.8.03.420.gaf2a4
> Thanks,
> Myles
> #------------------------------------- b.org ---
> * A Heading
> ** A Sub heading
>    And now here is an inline task
> *************** TODO Here I am, I'm inline
>               Notes notes notes
> *************** END
> ** TODO I'm not inline
>    Can you see me?
> * Tests                                                          :noexport:
> ** Test LaTeX export
>     #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim
>       emacs --batch \
>           --load=$HOME/.emacs.d/plugins/org-mode/lisp/org.el \
>           --visit=~/tmp/tstexp/b.org \
>           --funcall org-export-as-latex-batch
>       cat ~/tmp/tstexp/b.tex
>     #+END_SRC
>     #+RESULTS:
>     #+begin_example
>     % Created 2012-02-21 Tue 16:41
>     \documentclass[11pt]{article}
>     \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>     \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>     \usepackage{fixltx2e}
>     \usepackage{graphicx}
>     \usepackage{longtable}
>     \usepackage{float}
>     \usepackage{wrapfig}
>     \usepackage{soul}
>     \usepackage{textcomp}
>     \usepackage{marvosym}
>     \usepackage{wasysym}
>     \usepackage{latexsym}
>     \usepackage{amssymb}
>     \usepackage{hyperref}
>     \tolerance=1000
>     \providecommand{\alert}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
>     \title{b}
>     \author{}
>     \date{\today}
>     \begin{document}
>     \maketitle
>     \setcounter{tocdepth}{3}
>     \tableofcontents
>     \vspace*{1cm}
>     \section{A Heading}
>     \label{sec-1}
>     \subsection{A Sub heading}
>     \label{sec-1-1}
>        And now here is an inline task
>     \subsection{\textbf{TODO} I'm not inline}
>     \label{sec-1-2}
>        Can you see me?
>     \end{document}
> #+end_example
> ** Test text export
>    #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim
>      emacs --batch \
>          --load=$HOME/.emacs.d/plugins/org-mode/lisp/org.el \
>          --visit=~/tmp/tstexp/b.org \
>          --funcall org-export-as-ascii
>      cat ~/tmp/tstexp/b.txt
>    #+END_SRC
>    #+RESULTS:
>    #+begin_example
>                                    b
>                                    =
>    Author: 
>    Date: 2012-02-21 16:42:07 GMT
>    Table of Contents
>    =================
>    1 A Heading
>        1.1 A Sub heading
>        1.2 I'm not inline
>    1 A Heading 
>    ------------
>    1.1 A Sub heading 
>    ==================
>       And now here is an inline task
>                        - TODO Here I am, I'm inline 
>                          Notes notes notes
>                        - END 
>    1.2 TODO I'm not inline 
>    ========================
>       Can you see me?
> #+end_example
> (emacs-version)"GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 
> 2.24.9)
>  of 2012-02-01 on shirley.hoetzel.info"
> (org-version) "Org-mode version 7.8.03 (release_7.8.03.420.gaf2a4)"


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