Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand how it works, but I've added it (plus some
> debugging) and we'll see how it goes: is the "24:01" a relative time or
> an absolute time? I can't make heads or tails of the run-at-time doc.

I went through the code: it's an absolute time and it represents one minute
past midnight of the next day (my original "00:01" was one minute past midnight
of the current day, i.e. some time in the past).

> And what reschedules it for next time? Doesn't the timer fire once (if REPEAT
> is nil) and then it's done?

Still not clear about this though. I'll see what happens at midnight tonight.


PS. BTW, I was just looking through Bernt's document and saw that in my earlier
mail, I missed the activation of appointments:

(appt-activate 1)

So that's one more thing for the OP to add to his .emacs.

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