There is a good tool integrate with Growl, "todochiku"

Here is the section of my .emacs
;; begin todochiku, enable the growlnotify
(load-file "~/.emacs.d/plugins/todochiku.el")
(setq todochiku-icons-directory "~/Downloads/todochiku-icons")
;; end todochiku

;; begin: orgmode + appt
; For org appointment reminders
;; Get appointments for today
(defun my-org-agenda-to-appt ()
  (setq appt-time-msg-list nil)

;; Run once, activate and schedule refresh
(appt-activate t)
(run-at-time "24:01" nil 'my-org-agenda-to-appt)

; Update appt each time agenda opened.
(add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'my-org-agenda-to-appt)
;; end:   orgmode + appt


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > What is the best way to setup notifications to work with Growl for
> orgmode? I know org can work with
> > emacs Appt system, but is anyone currently using it with Growl for
> notifications?
> >
> > If you could point me to the right direction, I'd be grateful.
> >
> Somebody asked the same question back in 2010:
> Oh, wait - it was you :-)
> There were a few replies back then: have you tried those
> suggestions?
> Nick

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