Eric Schulte <eric.schulte <at>> writes:

> Matthew Landis <landis <at>> writes:
> Have you tried this?  The cache header argument has special handling of
> code blocks with sessions to handle such cases.

Fair enough!  I hadn't tried it.  But I did just try this example:

#+TITLE: Super simple example using cache header arguments
#+PROPERTIES: eval no

Here is a really simple example.

#+begin_src R :session :results silent :exports code :cache yes
x <- rnorm(100)
cat('ran this code block')

here is code block two.

#+begin_src R :session :results graphics :exports both :file hist.png :cache yes
hist(x, main = 'A new title' )


On 1st export to html, both code blocks are run, and #+results block is *not* 

On 2nd export, both code blocks are run again, counter to my desires.

IF I run the code blocks interactively first using C-c C-c, the #+results block 
is created for the code block 2.  After that, subsequent exports run code block 
1 but not code block 2.  Again, this is counter to my desires because I want 
code block 1 to be ignored as well.  I understand why code block 1 is rerun, 
because I have :results silent, but I'd rather not have to change that.  
Generally, code block 1 is producing large R data.frames which don't need to be 
viewed anywhere.

> Are you requesting a new option to :cache, such that even if the code
> block has changes the old results are used anyway?

Sort of.  I think I'm asking for a file wide option to decide whether to run 
code blocks, or just do the export based on whatever is currently existing in 
the #+results blocks.

As in this example, I tried #+PROPERTIES: eval no but it is ignored.  It would 
be great if I could set an eval argument at the top of the file to be either 
'no' (don't run any code blocks) 'yes' (run all code blocks) or 'block' respect 
block level eval settings 

Maybe such functionality exists in some other way - I claim only beginners 
knowledge of org-babel.

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