
I use org-babel to produce the source and html documentation for my projects.

My projects generally look like this:

[~/tmp/org-project] $ tree
|-- html
|   `-- proj.html
|-- org
|   `-- proj.org
`-- src
    `-- namesace
        |-- prog_1.clj
        `-- prog_2.clj

Here prog_1.clj, prog_2.clj, and proj.html are all generated from the
proj.org file.

Because the source and html files are generated files, I don't include
them in source control.

When I download my project on another computer, I want to be able to
generate all these files again, preferably from a makefile/build.xml,

What is the best practice for doing this?  Right now, I maintain two
shell scripts called "tangle" and "weave" that invoke emacs on the
project, but these rely on my specific emacs setup.  How can I make it
possible for someone to build my project if they have emacs and
make/ant?  What are other people doing when it comes to automatically
building a project whose source files are generated from org files?

--Robert McIntyre

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