> From: Nick Dokos <nicholas.do...@hp.com>
>> Greetings.  I'm exporting a document to both HTML and PDF.  In the
>> HTML version, I get a table of contents.  In the PDF version, I do NOT
>> get a table of contents.  The appended text illustrates the problem. 
>> I'd like to get the TOC in both.

> num:nil causes unnumbered sections in latex (\section*{...})  which are
> not entered into the .toc file (that's a latex limitation, not an
> org-mode one), so the latex exporter wants both num: and toc: to be
> enabled before it produces a table of contents.

> I think the only way to get a TOC is to set num:t. You can probably
> rewrite a chunk of latex code so that unnumbered sections etc end up in
> the .toc file, but I think it would be a fairly major undertaking.

Thanks, Nick.  I think I'll learn to love the current arrangement.

-- Mike

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