I've had that problem when I tried to do "make' on Mac OS X, which I
realized it was compiling in obsolete version of emacs. (like emacs
22) I believe it was happening when (require 'org-exp.el)

In fact, I did see this would work if UTF-8ed in your example even in
the above environment, but I thought it was inappropriate as coding
wasn't encoded in UTF-8. If UTF-8 strings are acceptable in org-mode
source tree, I guess doing it so will make it most compatible.

I verified the patch worked under Emacs 24 and in fact, I am right now
using the code on my Mac and on Windows.

Hideki Saito <>

2012/3/3 Takaaki ISHIKAWA <>:
> Dear Saito-san,
> I've tried to compile your patch with the latest org-mode.
> I got an error message:
> Error: Invalid character: 33879, #o102127, #x8457
> I can apply the following line directly under UTF-8 env.:
> ("ja" "著者" "日付" "目次" "脚注")
> ----
> Emacs 23.4 (nextstep)
> Org-version 7.8.03
> ----
> Could you give me your environment around Emacs?
> Best regards,
> Takaaki Ishikawa
> On 2012/03/03, at 16:06, Hideki Saito wrote:
>> I think Gmail did bad to the patch snippet. Obviously, I haven't done
>> much of patch contributions :-)
>> I've attached one, or you can refer to:
>> Thank you.
>> Hideki Saito <>
>> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Hideki Saito <> wrote:
>>> diff --git a/lisp/org-exp.el b/lisp/org-exp.el
>>> index 174619a..43c54b5 100644
>>> --- a/lisp/org-exp.el
>>> +++ b/lisp/org-exp.el
>>> @@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ This option can also be set with the +OPTIONS
>>> line, e.g. \"-:nil\"."
>>>     ("hu" "Szerz&otilde;" "D&aacute;tum" "Tartalomjegyz&eacute;k"
>>> "L&aacute;bjegyzet")
>>>     ("is" "H&ouml;fundur" "Dagsetning" "Efnisyfirlit"
>>> "Aftanm&aacute;lsgreinar")
>>>     ("it" "Autore"     "Data"  "Indice" "Note a pi&egrave; di pagina")
>>> +    ("ja" "\x8457\x8005" "\x65e5\x4ed8" "\x76ee\x6b21" "\x811a\x6ce8")
>>>     ("nl" "Auteur"     "Datum" "Inhoudsopgave" "Voetnoten")
>>>     ("no" "Forfatter"  "Dato"  "Innhold" "Fotnoter")
>>>     ("nb" "Forfatter"  "Dato"  "Innhold" "Fotnoter")  ;; nb = Norsk (bokm.l)
>> <org-japanese-export.patch>
> Takaaki ISHIKAWA,
> GITI, Waseda University
> (gpg public key)
>    tel: 090-1837-8497
> ----------------------------------------------- ( ' -')b
> 石川孝明
> 早稲田大学国際情報通信研究センター

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