Eric Schulte <> writes:

> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Eric Schulte <> writes:
>>> Would it be possible to swap the results and caption lines?
>> The caption lines are part of the ascii output.  I think I'd have to
>> swap them manually.
> I didn't realize that this was being produced by an external package
> called from the code block.  If this is the case then the package itself
> will need a special setting for appending results so that it doesn't
> output a caption line.
> [...]
>> This is an interesting case.  As other packages start to provide Org
>> Mode output this kind of problem might crop up again.  Is there any
>> limit to the Org Mode output a third party might produce?
> There need be no limit on what types of results are output by code
> blocks.  You could always use ":results org" to wrap the results in an
> Org-mode block to make the extent of the results clear regardless of
> their contents.

Thanks Eric.  This was the missing piece to my puzzle.

> Best,
>> All the best,
>> Tom
>>> Best,
>>> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>>>> Aloha all,
>>>> The code block at the bottom appends its results, rather than replacing
>>>> them.  Here are the header arguments:
>>>> Name: test-replace-results
>>>> Lang: R
>>>> Header Arguments:
>>>>    :cache          no
>>>>    :exports        code
>>>>    :hlines         no
>>>>    :noweb          yes
>>>>    :padnewline     yes
>>>>    :results        raw output replace
>>>>    :session        none
>>>>    :tangle         no
>>>> Everything works fine without the ascii package caption argument.
>>>> * Babel replace results
>>>> #+name: test-replace-results
>>>> #+header: :results output raw
>>>> #+BEGIN_SRC R
>>>> library(ascii)
>>>> cap <- "Test replace results"
>>>> x <- runif(100)
>>>> y <- ascii(quantile(x),include.colnames=T,header=T,caption=cap)
>>>> print(y,type="org")
>>>> rm(cap,x,y)
>>>> #+END_SRC
>>>> #+RESULTS: test-replace-results
>>>> #+CAPTION: Test replace results
>>>> | 0%   | 25%  | 50%  | 75%  | 100% |
>>>> |------+------+------+------+------|
>>>> | 0.02 | 0.28 | 0.49 | 0.78 | 0.98 |
>>>> #+CAPTION: Test replace results
>>>> | 0%   | 25%  | 50%  | 75%  | 100% |
>>>> |------+------+------+------+------|
>>>> | 0.01 | 0.21 | 0.44 | 0.76 | 1.00 |
>>>> I'm using Org-mode version 7.8.03 (release_7.8.03.546.gf6ea).
>>>> All the best,
>>>> Tom

Thomas S. Dye

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