"Alan E. Davis" <lngn...@gmail.com> writes:

> It just occurred to me to try to implement a method of pushing a TODO
> item on top of another, in the manner of a Stack.  The item on top of
> the stack is a task upon which performance of some other task
> depends. 
> I need to call someone, so I have a task that appears on my agenda,
> to call him.  However,  I have just discovered that the phone number
> I have for this person is not working.  I new need to find his phone
> number, so I can write a new TODO task.  It would be fantastic to be
> able to push a TODO on top of the dependant TODO, the task that is
> held up until one finds the phone number.   
> Once  I have found the number, and "pop" the number finding task off
> the agenda, the dependant task would appear as a high priority,
> active task.   rendering the TODO to CALL invisible, perhaps as a
> subtask,  
> I think there are many ways to do this.   Is it a nightmare to
> implement in the fashion I have suggested?   Is it already easy to
> do?  The crux of the matter is a dependent TODO is rendered invisible
> until some subtask TODO is completed.
> Thank you for all the ideas,

Can't you just create the new todo item when on column 1 of the
dependent task - so it gets inserted before it?

* TODO Some Project
** TODO Dependent Task
point here

Then C-S-TAB or M-S-TAN creates the new task before this one

* TODO Some Project
** TODO New Task
** TODO Dependent Task

Combined with the ORDERED property and the variable
org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks set to 'invisible it might get you a long
way towards what you are trying to achieve.


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