
I'm trying to set up my .org file such that export commands create all
results in a certain directory rather than the directory containing
the .org file.  So I've added the option

  #+BIND: org-export-publishing-directory "/tmp/export-test"

at the beginning of the file, which seems to work fine for a simple
test file with HTML export.

If I try to export the .org file as a PDF document, however, the
result still resides in the directory containing the .org file --
which isn't what I want and is also counterintuitive given the name of
the variable set in the BIND option.

Even worse, if the .org file uses Babel to create files (say, in PNG
format) as a result (via ditaa, graphviz, etc.), then these files end
up in the directory containing the .org file, not in /tmp/export-test,
where the HTML file is placed.  This leaves the HTML output completely

Is there a proper way of doing this (short of "publishing", which
isn't what I want because I find it too complex in my case), and am I
doing something very wrong here?



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