Hi Detlef,

Detlef Steuer <detlef.ste...@gmx.de> writes:

> I don't understand the reasoning in putting TODOs without priority or
> WAITING without priority before priority #C. 
> Conceptually "no priority" (for me) means "not decided how important or
> not important at all, but would like to work on it", In contrast "#C"
> means "must be done, but do #A and #B first". 
> It would IMHO feel much more natural to sort
> #A, #B, #C, no priority.

Currently, org gives items with no priority a default priority of B.

,----[ (info "(org) Priorities")
| By default, Org mode supports three priorities: `A', `B', and `C'.  `A'
| is the highest priority.  An entry without a cookie is treated just
| like priority `B'.  Priorities make a difference only for sorting in
| the agenda (*note Weekly/daily agenda::); outside the agenda, they have
| no inherent meaning to Org mode.

> Is that (easily) possible?

You can modify how the agenda sorts priorities with a custom function.
Here's a quick hack that seems to work:

(defun my-org-get-priority ()
    (if (not (string-match org-priority-regexp s))
      (* 1000 (- org-lowest-priority 
                 (string-to-char (match-string 2 s)))))))

(setq org-get-priority-function 'my-org-get-priority)


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