
answering to myself:
· Thomas Holst <thomas.ho...@de.bosch.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a function to find the location where capture will
> put the captured item. The manual states, that a target configuration
> like
>   : (file+function "path/to/file" function-finding-location)
> is possible. My question is, what is the function supposed to reurn?
> - a string with the headline
> - a location in the buffer
> - ...

I looked into org-capture.el and experimented a little and so I found an

funtion-finding-location has to put point in the buffer of "file" at the
desiered headline and return t if it was sucsessful. At least this works
for my usecase.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards 


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