John Hendy <> wrote:

> I use beamer a lot for work and decided to create a beamer-specific
> setupfile to clean up my org files a bit. My files typically contain a
> header like so:
> ---
> #+latex_class: beamer
> #+startup: beamer
> #+options: toc:nil latex:t tex:t
> #+latex_class_options: [presentation,bigger]
> #+beamer_frame_level: 1
> #+beamer_header_extra:
> \usetheme[alternativetitlepage=true,titleline=true,titlepagelogo=../pics/pic.jpg]{Torino}
> #+beamer_header_extra: \usecolortheme{freewilly}

Actually all the #+BEAMER_* options are ignored (I fixed the line
breaks, so that's not it). Everything else makes it into the tex file.
Seems something is broke.


> #+latex_header: \usepackage{tikz}
> #+latex_header:
> \usetikzlibrary{decorations,arrows,automata,positioning,backgrounds}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{setspace}
> #+latex_header: \setstretch{1.3}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{lmodern}
> #+latex_header: \usepackage{booktabs}
> #+AUTHOR:    John Henderson
> ---
> I tried inserting the above into a file called and
> simply doing:
> ---
> #+setupfile: ~/org/aux/
> ---
> This doesn't seem to work, however. My theme doesn't get picked up,
> for example. If I put the contents into the file directly, I'm all
> set. Any suggestions on why this might be the case?
> Thanks,
> John

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