
I try to use a function proposed with org-protocol as explained in this link.

I would like to launch a pdf file in Acrobat Reader and to use org-store-
link.js to capture the full path of the document in an org file.I try to use 
what it was explained on the link I have already and I have a look on the 
following link. 
It doesn't work as I expect.

As I just want to capture the full path of the file (example here is file.pdf 
in C:\Temp), I use the following javascript call org-store-link accessible in 
menu File of Acrobat Reader :
app.addMenuItem({cName:"org-store-link", cParent:"File",

I get the following string given to org-protocol:

There is several issue. The escaped character is not interpreted when feed in 
emacs and when I use C-c C-l (org-insert-link) I have the following 
proposition : 
file: (C|).

Then I try the following script, to get '/' character to feed org-protocol:
app.addMenuItem({cName:"org-store-link", cParent:"File",
                 cExec:"app.launchURL('org-protocol://store-link://'+ unescape

I get the following the expected string :

Again when I use C-c C-l, I have the proposition : file: (C|).

I made the assumption that it is a problem of interpretation of '/'.Then I 
replace this character with "++".
app.addMenuItem({cName:"org-store-link", cParent:"File",
                 cExec:"app.launchURL('org-protocol://store-link://'+ unescape

Then I obtain the following string :

This time when I use C-c C-l, I have the proposition : 
So I can get the full path when I replace afterwards each '++' to '/'.

Quite tricky to get the final full link !!

Do you have a more direct and simplest way to get the direct right link ?

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