Since no followup reaction occured: is this a but that requires much
work? Or did my email just got lost in overfull inboxes? :-)

* Karl Voit <> wrote:
> I verified the behavior below with the most current git version of
> Org-mode.
> Whenever I call my function to export the current agenda, it
> «converts» events that do have a beginning and end time to events
> that span the whole day (without begin and end times at all).
> ,----[ my LISP command to export ]
>| (defun vk-export-agenda()
>|   "Exports monthly Org-mode agenda to agenda.ics file"
>|   (interactive)
>|   (org-agenda-list nil nil 60)
>|   (org-agenda-write "~/org/agenda.ics")
>| )
> `----
> I traced down the problem to this:
> * <2012-03-05 Mon 08:00-09:00> works fine
> * <2012-03-05 Mon 8:00-9:00> works fine too
> * <2012-03-05 08:00-09:00> Wrong: ends up as full day event
> Unfortunately, I do have certain mechanisms that generate parts of
> my Org-mode files where I skip the day of the week. Org-mode in
> general is able to handle date stamps without day of week pretty
> well. But whenever I export it to ics (in order to send it to
> Google), I end up with a messed up online agenda.
> I guess that org-agenda-write is the one to blame. It would be very
> handy to me if somebody could fix that issue.
> Let me know, if you need any further information!
> Thank you very much!

Karl Voit

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