Martin Halder <> writes:

>> Martin Halder <> writes:
>>> Hi all,
>>> was trying to use a table as input for a latex block. Is there a way to 
>>> directly reference parts of the table inside the block or do I have to 
>>> specify each parameter as separate parameter ?
>>> Thanks for help,
>>> Martin
>> Aloha Martin,
>> Can I ask why you want to use a table as input for a latex block?  An
>> alternative is to send the table to a source block in some other
>> language and then evaluate with :results latex.  The advantage is that
>> the other language can have loops and complex data types that make it
>> relatively easy to deal with tables.  It might be possible to do these
>> kinds of things with TeX, but it is likely to be difficult.
>> hth,
>> Tom
> Aloha Tom,
> the reason was that I have a quite complex latex file in a src latex block 
> (which I tangle)
> and just wanted to replace some variables from a table.
> But :results latex looks very interesting, will have a look if I can solve it 
> with that one,
> many thanks for the hint.
> This is my use case, the example below was maybe too much simplified:
> #begin_src latex
> ... weird latex code
>       \put(-2,-50){
>               \parbox{8cm}{
>                       \tiny{mycompany - mystree - mycountry}\\ \\
>                       \normalsize
>                       \textbf{company}\\
>                       street\\
>                       \textbf{country}
>                       \vspace{2mm}\\
>               }
>       }
> ... weird latex code
> #end_src latex

Aloha Martin,

Here is the basic idea in pseudo python.  

#begin_src python :results output latex
 ... weird latex code
s = '''         \\put(-2,-50){
                        \\tiny{%s - %s - %s}\\\\ \\\\
        }''' % (mycompany, mystree, mycountry, company, country)
print s
 ... weird latex code
#end_src python


> Cheers,
> Martin
>>> This is working:
>>> #+tblname: data
>>> | Name    | John Doe     |
>>> | Address | Doestreet 42 |
>>> | Country | Doecountry   |
>>> #+name: invoice(name=data[0,1], address=data[1,1], country=data[2,1])
>>> #+begin_src latex
>>> name
>>> address
>>> country
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+RESULTS: invoice
>>> #+BEGIN_LaTeX
>>> John Doe
>>> Doestreet 42
>>> Doecountry
>>> #+END_LaTeX
>>> what I would like to do:
>>> #+name: invoice(data=data)
>>> #+begin_src latex
>>> data[0,1]
>>> data[1,1]
>>> data[2,1]
>>> #+end_src
>>> or even better:
>>> #+name: invoice(data=data)
>>> #+begin_src latex
>>> data['Name']
>>> data['Adress']
>>> data['Country']
>>> #+end_src
>> -- 
>> Thomas S. Dye

T.S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists
735 Bishop St, Suite 315, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: 808-529-0866, Fax: 808-529-0884

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