Nick Dokos <> wrote:

> Richard Stanton <> wrote:
> > Using org-mode 7.8.03, I've found that exporting to LaTeX has a tough time
> > if you try to skip a header level. For example, to prevent my TODO items
> > being numbered, one method is to make them a lower-level heading, and then
> > make that level un-numbered.
> > 
> > However, if I try the following:
> > 
> > * To Do List
> > *** TODO First item
> > *** TODO Second item
> > 
> > Then when exported to LaTeX, only the title appears (both TODO items are
> > excluded).
> > 
> PS. Not sure why the third level headlines are skipped if the second level
> headline is absent. This feels like a bug to me.

The latex exporter is very rigid about what it will accept: it wants the
levels to be in strict sequence. So this has to be chalked down as a
fairly deeply ingrained limitation of the exporter. I don't see an easy way
to lift it.


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