This could probably also work without the mobile element and might be
easier to develop the initial part if it is a solid design.   I just
have to get this out of my head so I can focus on school and work
without worrying about forgetting the idea.  I also wanted to get some
feedback to see what people think.  I know it isn't the most elegant
idea but it might work.

I do know it has to have a few problems but I thought I would throw it out.

So, now that I have an android tablet using mobileorg and wanting to
use org-mode on the desktop I have run into a problem. My spouse is
not at the technical level to work with me on this. I know I can use
orgmode to organize my tasks and leave emacs running at home to do
pushes and pulls and sort things via tags once it gets to the home
machine. The problem comes at the calendar level.

At this point I have finally gotten my wife to use google calendar so
that she can see what I am doing and she pushes her items into google
calendar so we can plan easier.

So, here is my thought -- I have an android tablet, I am okay with
putting my calendar data in google calendar and I can schedule pulls
via emacs out of google calendar into org-mode and then as long as I
have my sync set up correctly, when I look at my org-mobile agenda, my
calendar is populated with my stuff and my wife's stuff ---- and
eventually some of my children's stuff.

What I am wondering, if I can set up the google calendar api
correctly. Could I, pull down the google calendar (2 months of data or
some other arbitrary common sense timeframe), pull from org-mobile.
The google file would be converted to org and have all the org data
from 2 months forward (or after whatever time period we pulled from
google ****EDIT*** Actually would need to download all data from
current time forward due to possible data loss*****ENDEDIT*******) put
on the end. These two files would be two branches of the same git
repository and then merged (any added google data from the time period
pulled and any added org data) into one file that would make up the
calendar part of the org agenda. This would then be pushed back to
mobileorg and then the first two months of the google calendar being
synced with would be deleted and an ics from the org data would be
re-uploaded with the name of the google calendar on it.

The git repo would track all changes, so you wouldn't have to worry
about losing data and I imagine any changes could be sent to an email
or added to an orgfile as an archive -- also, any conflicts in the git
merge (could we retain both sides of the data if conflicting changes
occured) could be emailed and/or set as a task for resolution in org
before repushing to mobile.

I imagine this could be scripted to run at different intervals during
different day periods.

Just trying to get some feedback and make a note of the thought before
I return to my work and school projects. Cross posted on G+

Matthew Sauer

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