Steve Hafner <> writes:

> I'm trying to get a LaTeX scr block with Tikz code either to go native
> into LaTeX or to be converted into a PNG file and included in HTML, as
> described in 
> That document refers to a thread on this list in which two example
> were given: 
> and
> Both examples behave in a similar way for me on Org-7.8.06, but not in
> the way I expected. If I export to PDF then I just get
> "[[file:test.png]]" in the PDF where I expected the image to be
> visible, and if I export to HTML then nothing is visible in the HTML
> file. Either way I export, the file test.png is indeed generated.
> So I wonder if these examples are valid with respect to 7.8.06 or
> maybe my expectations are off. I would not think that the PNG file
> should be generated for the PDF export, but would expect the image to
> be visible when viewing either document. Reading the manual, it seems
> that maybe the behavior has changed in the last year with respect to
> these examples.
> So I've tried to figure it out with the manual. If I don't worry about
> the HTML export, I'm able to set up the document so that the Tikz code
> is included into LaTeX in the correct way; not too difficult.  On the
> other hand, if I don't worry about the LaTeX export, I can get the PNG
> file to generate but can't get it automatically included into the
> HTML. If I could get this second part figured out, then the plan would
> be to have an elisp conditional testing on "backend" (if this is still
> a valid symbol to test on) that would determine whether on not to
> include :file etc. in the header for the src block. Any thoughts?
> --Steve

Hi Steve,

the examples are indeed out-dated.

1) 'backend is now
   'org-export-current-backend (though I am not sure, I think there was
   also 'latexp at some time).
2) If the latex block is evaluated at all and a file argument is
   present, this will be used.  So the block meant to go the latex->PDF
   route should not contain the :file argument.
3) Even if ":results graphics" or ":results file" is specified, the
   results of a latex block seem to be wrapped in
   #+begin_latex...#+end_latex.  So for the block meant to go to the
   html, one way is to specify ":results org".  But here I get a
   spurious ORG-ORG-START ...

Anyway, besides that ORG-ORG-START thing, this seems to work on my side:

| * Tikz test
|   #+name: contents
|   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) 
(eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) "results" "none") :results latex
|     \begin{tikzpicture}
|       \node[red!50!black] (a) {A};
|       \node (b) [right of=a] {B};
|       \draw[->] (a) -- (b);
|     \end{tikzpicture}
|   #+end_src
|   #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 'org-export-current-backend) 
(eq org-export-current-backend 'latex)) "none" "results") :results file :file 
test.png :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 400 
:fit yes :noweb yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}")
|     <<contents>>
|   #+end_src


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