
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:14:37AM -0400, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Steven Buczkowski <steven.buczkow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> Yup: apt-get will get you an ancient org-mode release.
> You probably ended up with a "frankenstein" org-mode install with bits
> and pieces coming from various places: I'd suggest doing "apt-get remove
> org-mode" to get rid of the ancient version and then reinstalling from
> the tar file - or, perhaps even better, the git repository: most of us
> have found that staying on the bleeding edge is a rewarding experience
> (even if an occasionally bloody :-) one - but that happens only
> rarely). And even if you run into trouble, with git it is easy to
> backtrack and use an official release.  Make sure to follow to the
> letter the installation instructions in the manual in these cases.

I had the same problem on ubuntu. What I did was:

- I get org-mode from git and install it in my ~/emacs/org-mode directory. 

$ cd ~/src/org-mode
$ make SHELL=/bin/bash prefix=/home/aitor/emacs/org-mode
$ make SHELL=/bin/bash prefix=/home/aitor/emacs/org-mode install

- In my .emacs, I have this:

(defun remove-org-dirs (dirs)
  "remove all list elements containing the matching '/org$'"
    (let ((result))
      (dolist (dir dirs)
        (unless (string-match "org\\'" dir)
          (setq result (cons dir result))))
      (nreverse result)))

(setq load-path (cons "~/emacs/org-mode/share/emacs/site-lisp"
                      (cons "~/emacs/org-contrib/lisp"
                            (remove-org-dirs load-path))))

The "remove-org-dirs" function removes any system directory for "org"
and thus makes sure that my copy of org-mode gets loaded.

Hope this helps,


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