Hi Du,

Du Yanning <duyann...@gmail.com> writes:

> steps to recreate:
> emacs -q
> copy the following code and paste it into the *scratch* buffer:
> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.txt\\'" . org-mode))
> (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () (text-scale-set 4))) 
> M-x eval-buffer
> then C-x C-f to open a .txt file, and then C-x C-f to open another
> .txt file.
> Every time a .txt is opened, the font size become larger and larger.
> However, the indicator in the mode line remains +4.
> text-mode-hook and c-mode-hook do NOT have this bug.
> and the org-mode-hook of orgmode shipped within emacs 23.3 does NOT
> have this bug.

Fixed in Org git repository, will be fixed in Emacs after the next
merge.  I will mark it "done" when it's merged.


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