Aurélien Aptel writes:
> * I still want to make an Elisp backend for ragel. I understand it
> won't be used in org-mode but it's a nice thing to have anyway. I hope
> it's not a problem if this part of the project is not directly related
> to org-mode.

Please don't be discouraged by the discussion.  If you like your
proposal you'll have to defend it.  :-)

Even if org-mode won't directly use a Ragel generated parser for
whatever reason it would still be good to have for equally important

1. Provide a (more) formal specification for org-mode syntax.
2. Provide an alternative implementation to test against.
3. Increase interoperability with other software.

Another, maybe more immediate, application of a Ragel Elisp backend
would probably be the Semantic parsers in Emacs, especially if the
Bovine (LL) and Wisent (LALR) grammars could be directly converted.
Wisent is an Elisp port of Bison.  They are both table driven parsers.

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