Hello Org-Mode mailing list,

My name is Andrew Young, and I would like to participate in an Org-Mode
project for GSoC 2012.  My application for the project 'Git merge tool for
Org files' can be found
 I would appreciate as much feedback and criticism as possible.

I used the generic GNU Project student application template, which can be
found here <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/gnu>.

I have some specific questions:
1.  There is no implementation details or decisions in my application, just
a basic plan of what needs to be done.  Should I start researching
implementation details for my application?
2.  I would like to post my application on the community site Worg.  If
this is appropriate, what is the proper channel to request GIT access?

If this mailing list is not the appropriate place to discuss my
application, please let me know and then feel free to email me directly.  I
will also be spending as much time as possible on freenode #org-mode as

Andrew Young

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