Hi Bhastien, ;)

thanks for the pointer. Indeed this does much of the idea I had already.
A few points which might be add

* If called with a region marked, this region could be put into the
mail. That is mark the "defect" region and call
`org-submit-bug-report' and you are almost done with your report.
* As for the privacy concern. The org-mode settings could be saved to
an extra file and attached as a zipped attachment. It would be still
rather easy for devs to see it but it would not be exposed on the
mailing list archives for any kind of data crawler. E.g. some might
have email-addresses saved and hence they might receive a lot of spam
if this addresses are exposed on the web.
* The text could include a first responder guide to help people to
send in clean and good bug-reports. It could include to ask people to
start emacs without personal config-files, to make sure the bug is not
actually a misconfiguration. A bunch of questions to fill in. E.g.,

* Abstract of the bug report (3-5 sentence)
* Please select from the keywords below the ones which fits your problems best
* Description
** What did you try yo do?
** What did you expect to happen?
** What happen?
* Did the problem appear for the first time resp. did it work previously?
* Is the problem still reproducible after starting emacs with emacs -q
(do not load init files)?
* Please copy here a minimal example which demonstrate the problem.
Try to reduce it to the real problem.
* Please attach here any error log you might received

* Writing down this list makes me wonder if the bug-report buffer
shouldn't be a org-buffer itself so people could test there minimal
example within that buffer and the bug report could be split into two
parts org-create-bug-report and org-submit-bug-report (create a mail
with the bug report org-buffer as content). The last could call the
first hook if no bug-report buffer is present.


On 6 April 2012 20:40, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Thorsten,
> check `org-submit-bug-report'.  We can certainly improve this and
> make it more structured/interactive.
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

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