Stuart McLean <> wrote:

> Hi, Nick
> I have expressed myself poorly. It is not so much what I can not get to
> work. It is more "is such-and-such possible". I would like to have two 
> headings
> in one file, and to be able to use `org-capture' to file notes under
> each of them
> in a date-tree. I know you can file notes under an individual heading
> using the DATE_TREE property, but how would you use this for two
> different headings?
> I hope this is a little more clear,
Yes, thanks!

The docs seem to imply that you cannot do that indeed: the file+datetree
target takes a filename arg, but no heading arg, and afaik they all end
up in the same date tree, i.e. the date tree provides the top level
structure. Cursory experimentation confirms that, but I may have missed


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