Is there a package or download that can allow a new non-emacs user to 
immediately engage with org-mode?  That is, install and configure both emacs 
and org-mode plus make some guesses about how a new user would initially want 
to use org-mode.  

I am not an emacs newbie, so I can spearhead an effort if necessary. Though I 
am eagerly working to rid myself of org-mode newbie status.

I have some relatives that could really benefit from org-mode... who doesn't?

Here's some of what I'm thinking:

* Installation
** Emacs
** Packages
*** org-mode
* Configuration
** Load path
** org file directory and basic files established
** CUA
* Extras
** Easy buffer switching via keyboard
** shortcuts for spreadsheet copy/pasting

Thanks Carsten and fellow org-moders,

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