
today I had to send over a document in MS Word format. Suprise suprise
guess I am not the first one on that mailing list.
I was happy to use the new odt export feature and it did the best job
out of some other constellations (org->html->word, org->pdf->odt via
pdf import plugin, org->pdf->copy paste, etc.)

Thanks for this brilliant feature!

I have a minor problem, I used some LaTeX format commands. I know I
might get away by replacing \textbf with *<text>*, etc. But know its
there already. Sure it worked out great for the LaTeX-PDF export.
However, in openoffice I had stuff like \textbf{text}. I was
wondering, the exporter is doing all this nifty work already, could we
have a flag to replace the most common Linux inline text-formats by
the corresponding odt format?

\mbox (no line break)
\, (protected blank)

would be a good start



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