Colin Fraizer <> wrote:

> I use a capture template like this:
> ("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "" "Tasks") 
>   "* TODO %?\n  :HIDDEN:\n  %U\n  :END:\n%!" :prepend t)
> to create todo items.  I want the cursor to be at the end of the
> headline so I can type that in, but then I want to be able to quickly
> jump to the end so I can type any details that I want.
> I use "the mark" for that purpose, so I can type "C-x C-x" to jump
> right where I want.  So I modified the function
> org-capture-place-entry to add the following lines:
>     (goto-char beg)
>     (if (re-search-forward "%!" end t)
>         (progn
>           (push-mark nil t nil)
>           (replace-match "")))
> just before the final (goto-char beg) that will put the cursor
> position at "%?".
> (I guess I could have put that following ``(goto-char beg)'' inside
> that ``(progn ...)''.)
> Would anyone else find this a useful addition to the capture template
> mechanism?

Maybe - but in this particular case, you could just go to the end of the 
buffer with  M-> (end-of-buffer), right?

And there might be a problem with your proposal: if I push a bunch of
marks during the capture, what happens after the capture is done? Are
they still on the stack? If so, should they be?


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