At Wed, 25 Apr 2012 14:11:51 +0930,
Eric Fraga wrote:
> > It kind of strikes me like an epic hack: you have to name the headline
> > after the Beamer color ID, instead of naming the headline after the
> > content... not very /org/anized.
> Well, the problem is that a beamercolorbox is *not* a block and does not
> expect a title parameter.  It actually expects only a colour (well, a
> beamer colour structure, to be precise, such as the one you have
> defined).  What is /org/ expected to do with the entry you specify?

If the subtree is folded, then the headline shows the color descriptor but 
nothing about the content of the subtree! That's some distance away from "an 
outline works like your brain."

It's not that I can't get the right output. It *is* a pretty stark 
inconsistency against org-mode's governing principle. Here, formatting 
information that is irrelevant to content is promoted to be the *most important 
thing* (the headline) of that subtree. What I need to see, in order to 
understand the structure of the content at a glance -- this IMO is org-mode's 
genius -- is hidden if the subtree is folded. Hm?

It strikes me as flawed design.

> > Worth a bug report or feature request?
> It is not a bug, IMO.

Okay, it's not a bug in the strict sense of a feature that doesn't behave as 
designed. I would say it's a d@mn ugly design.

> Whether it should be a feature request or not is debatable.  The syntax
> is, at present, fairly straightforward in that the headline text becomes
> the argument to the environment defined.

I think "the headline text becomes the argument..." is the opposite of 
straightforward. :-)

It's also a matter of incomplete documentation. The syntax is /perhaps/ 
straightforward, *after* spending some time wondering why it didn't work to put 
the color into an environment argument (as one might reasonably guess), and 
then spending more time constructing some tests and looking at the *.tex output 
to find out which bit of org text gets put where in the TeX code.

C-c C-b lists 19 ways to tag headlines for Beamer environments. [1] doesn't 
describe any of them. I do understand about volunteer documentation efforts (if 
days were 48 hours long, I still wouldn't be able to write more than half of 
the documentation I want to contribute to SuperCollider [2]), but I can't help 
feeling something is missing here.



James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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