Hi Achim

Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

> Since my Makefile branch was merged I've been getting flak for breaking
> certain setups.  Now, the change didn't actually break them, but I did
> make (perhaps foolishly) a deliberate decision to make that particular
> breakage fatal rather than silent.  It would be very easy to continue to
> paper over the breakage and pretend things are working when they're not.
> What irritates me greatly is that quite a few of the people that insist
> on this "solution" are the ones who would have to deal with the
> Heisenbugs thus introduced.  So let me explain once more what is broken:


Thanks for this post - it has certainly helped me see the `rock' and the
`hard place'. 

As an aside, I haven't used MS windows for some two years (using OS X
and Linux), but this will change shortly as my next project will require
a working Windows system with MSys. I could certainly document the setup
of Org-mode including functioning tests etc. on a line-by-line basis if
it will help.

Best, Martyn

> Regards,
> Achim.

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