Matt Price <> writes:

> - wl causes emacs to freeze up when it checks or sends mail, and can
> take quite a long while to complete these operations

I offload this by using external programs. My email flow consists of:

  1. Fetch my mail from various sources with fetchmail. Usenet articles
     are fetched via leafnode.

  2. The mail in then passed to procmail for spam proccessing with
     spamassassin, spilt into the appropriate groups with a procmailrc
     subfile generated by niko-bbdb-split.el[1], and delivered to the
     maildir directory using the "deliver" program from Dovecot.

  3. I send my mail by passing it on the my local smtp server (postfix).

  4. To easily access my mail from anywhere, I allow outside access to
     my local Dovecot server only through imaps.

> - allow me to continue using Thunderbird as a backup for e.g. images
> and highly formatted mails -- thunderbird is currently set up w/ local
> copies of IMAP folders for my current mail, plus local archives served
> on by dovecot that can be accessed both by thunderbird and by e.g.
> wanderlust.

I suggest just setting up a local imap server, such as Dovecot, for
this. As a side note, I am happy with the presentation in Gnus via
emacs-w3m integration for highly formatted mail (and of cause Emacs
supports inline images). I can also open the mime part in a web browser
From Gnus very easily.

> - fast search and easy-to-manage virtual folders of some kind -- I see
> mu and notmuch are very strong on both these fronts

Currently I just use the Squat plugin[2] in Dovecot and search via "GG"
in Gnus.




Running Windows on a Pentium is like having a brand new Porsche but only
be able to drive backwards with the handbrake on.
(Unknown source)

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